Official Minor Million Website

Forward by Ray Newell

This book charts in detail the restoration of a very special Morris Minor to the highest possible standard. However it does much, much more than that. It details the trials, tribulations traumas and triumphs of a father and son working together towards a common goal. What is all the more remarkable is the fact that they undertake the restoration of a much loved British car in a remote location in the Australian Bush. 

Richard and Bill McKellar are not professional restorers. However they are most definitely enthusiastic and dedicated Morris Minor devotees. Bill is a retired Bank manager and Richard is Creative Director in his own Graphic Design and Advertising Company based in Melbourne. Nevertheless, through sheer hard work and dedication they have overseen the transformation of what Richard engagingly describes as a ‘bitser’ car, to one that would grace any Concours D’Elegance competition.

Their enthusiasm shines through the text which is written with feeling and contains lots of practical advice gained from first hand experience. Technical manual it is not. However it is an invaluable guide to the practical aspects of completing the many detailed and often complicated tasks which the home based restorer inevitably has to grapple with. One of the main strengths of the book is the quality of the photographic material. A picture is worth a thousand words is an oft quoted saying and within this book it certainly rings true. What is also significant is that although the vehicle in question is a limited edition model, it is in essence a standard 2 door Morris Minor Saloon. As Richard points out the principles involved are equally applicable to any Morris Minor, though the detail specifications may vary slightly from model to model.

Though modest about their achievements, it is fair to say that the range of the advice, guidance and information provided here is impressive. Richard and Bill would be thrilled to bits if, through their efforts in completing the restoration and charting their progress, they encouraged other like minded enthusiasts to complete the restoration of their Morris Minor wherever they are in the world.

With this publication at their side they will be better placed to do so.

Ray Newell

  Additional contributions to the book by Ray Newell, an acknowledged authority on the Morris Minor, provide an insight into the historical aspect of the Morris Minor Million story and some factual information about some of the other Minor Million survivors. Given the high standard of the restoration undertaken, Ray reviews the Concours scene, and along with Richard adds useful guidance to would be and current competitors including an insight into the rules and regulations governing this prestigious aspect of Classic Car ownership.

“All in all a fascinating book with something for everyone with an interest in older vehicles.”

Ray Newell